miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2007


Freedom Fighter of the Month

Everyone has opinions on politics, social issues, and world news, but do they do anything about them? Listening to music with a radical message is only the beginning. Rage Against The Machine wants to personally acknowledge all those who are fighting for freedom in their community. One brave individual will be named the Freedom Fighter Of The Month on the official RATM web site. RATM encourages everyone to get involved whether you are currently an activist or plan on starting now. It's time to motivate others and Rage is giving you the opportunity to have your good work noticed.

Here's how to get involved - send us an e-mail describing the actions you are doing to fight for social justice in your community. Whether you feed the homeless, organize protests, boycotts or charity events, attend rallies, post flyers around your school, community or workplace, support labor rights and unions, write speeches, create political music or art, lobby politicians, challenge authority, help at shelters, fight censorship, racism, economic exploitation, judicial corruption or police brutality, support human rights or speak the truth of power to educate people... Rage wants to know.

The members in RATM will select one person to be Freedom Fighter of the Month and that person will be recognized by the band right here on their official web site. In addition (if you wish), you may have your picture on the site along with your own personal statement to encourage others to start fighting for freedom.

You are also encouraged to send us RATM related photos, artwork, original drawings and press clipppings to be be added to this section of the official site.

1 comentario:

Tm69 dijo...

Vamos gordo....
Desde chibchombia te apoyo con tu cruzada anti imperialista. animo cabrón!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pd: ReviZemos????? mejor Revisemos .....lo tenes en las 'gracias' ..ay gordo ¿que pasó con la ortografia?
